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Act-or-React Directing
Jack and the Weatherman - Starlight Directing
A Spacetime Quarantine Directing
Albert Heijn - Junior Directing
Helge - Don't Wait Up Directing
Rijksoverheid - Altijd Bang Directing
Andrelon - Kokos Care Directing
Velthuis - Onder de Loep Directing
KLM - Geslaagde Actie Directing
TLC Make Up Directing
Mövenpick - A walk through history Directing
ITA - The Company Directing
Piclocked (shortfilm) Directing
NZO - Groeimee Directing
Fantastisch (shortfilm) Directing
Transavia - Gek op Reizen Creative Consultant
HKU - New Media Creative Consultant
Grolsch Creative Consulting
TV Academie Creative Consultant
De Vlucht Creative Producer
Offline Creative Producer
Kom maar binnen bij Bobbi Creative Producer
Tennis Talk Creative Producer
Linda Eet Mee Creative Producer
Gemeente Rotterdam Creative Producer
FINAL_DEF_V3 Creative Producer